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The Perfect Venue for Your Next Event

Party planning is complicated. From nailing down the venue to narrowing down the guest list, event planners have lots to think about. If you’re looking for an exceptional Franklin, WI venue for your next big day, be sure to consider Blend Coffee and Cocktails. We’ve worked with several individuals and groups in the area, helping them create warm and inviting events on our premises. Our team understands all the details that go into making an event successful, and we’re glad to rent out our space. We’re open for birthday parties, retirement celebrations, ladies’ nights out, and much more.

Choose Your Drink

You’ll have your pick from a variety of teas and cocktails. Eventgoers can shake off the worries of the day with a refreshing tea or delicious cocktail.

Teas and Lemonades

If you're looking for something a little more refreshing, try one of our delicious teas or lemonades. On those hot summer days, be sure to ask about our frozen freshers!

Classic Cocktails

Our bartenders do justice to all the classics, including margaritas and whiskey sours.


Are you in the mood for a dirty martini? We offer our patrons all kinds of martinis.

Signature Cocktails

Want something you won't find just anywhere? Choose from our menu of signature flavors.

bar with alcohol

Talk to Our Team to Get Started

If Blend Coffee and Cocktails sounds like the best spot for your next event, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. We’d love to discuss the specifics of your event and start making plans for the big day. Our team strives to offer top-tier service, whether it’s serving you at the bar or making your event planning process a little easier.

Rental Pricing

Monday – Wednesday  $1,000
Thursday – Saturday  $1,500
Sunday  $500

Prices do not include food or beverage

Join Us for Coffee and Cocktails